IAAD. for MAUTO’s 90th.

Friday, July 21st 2023
On Friday, July 21st, IAAD. joins MAUTO for the celebration of its 90th anniversary.

IAAD. per il 90esimo del Mauto


21st July 2023


IAAD. and Raduno di stile

The car design community comes together at the MAUTO.

On the occasion of MAUTO’s anniversary, IAAD. is activating its community and is organising an open-air exhibition in collaboration with the 7th edition of Raduno di Stile. The exhibition, which will take place on Friday July 21st from 17:50 to 19:00 in front of the Museo dell’Automobile di Torino headquarters in Corso Unità d’Italia 40, will feature iconic car design models presented by car designers from the main Italian and International style centres in the area.

“EFFea, omaggio alla vitalità e alla creatività” (EFFea, a tribute to vitality and creativity)

Unique artwork handmade in Italy, it will be presented and signed by the designers during the night and will be donated to the MAUTO for its 90th birthday.

This work is the result of a journey in a world of colours, imagining crossing the rainbow to collect brightly coloured drops and hold them on the metal.

The yellow background, Modena’s colour, is a tribute to Dr. Mariella Mengozzi’s radiance. 

The traced lines bring to mind those of the hand and represent professional careers. Some intersect, some are distant or parallel. All sharing a sense of belonging to the magical world of automobile.

Colours and lines run in the direction of travel, leaving the viewer curious to chase chromatic backgrounds, to find continuity in the aerodynamic flows and turn them into personal feelings.   

Technique: acrylic paint and coloured pigments heated up to 250° and blown onto the bodywork, stabilized through thermic shock.

Support: aluminium mudguard donated by Luca Borgogno. Artist: #Anterarte

IAAD. and MAUTO for the young guests of Regina Margherita

On the same day IAAD.’s Community, in collaboration with F.O.R.M.A. – Fondazione Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita Onlus – is involving the children of Regina Margherita in the celebrations, with a day of creative laboratories in the wards held by a group of volunteers made of professors and designers.

Among the proposed activities: design stories, video and images storytelling, drawing laboratories on paper and fabric. The activities will be organised in collaboration with the MAUTO, that is offering a free and guided visit to a group of patients being cured at the Infantile, and with CARIOCA, that will provide materials for the laboratories and some prices for the children.

IAAD partners for MAUTO's 90th anniversary

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