the value of


The degrees awarded by IAAD. are Academic Diplomas at the first level (equivalent to a three-year bachelor’s degree), compliant with the AFAM-ISIA system.


AFAM (L’Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica, or Higher Artistic, Musical and Dance Training, refers to higher education in the arts and is parallel and equivalent to the current university system as established by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research in 1999.
ISIA (Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche, or the Higher Institute for Artistic Industries) is a university-level design school among the AFAM institutes that offers a broad array of instruction, from product to communication design.
The educational objective is to train designers of the highest professional quality; to that end, IAAD.’s courses ensure the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and tools needed in design professions while providing advanced formal and technical research connected to industrial production and the cultlural traditions where these activities take place.


IAAD. has been authorized by MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e delle Ricerca or the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) – now called MUR – to award academic diplomas of the first level (180 CFA) for three-year design courses equivalent to bachelor’s degrees, at their institute in Torino, in:

  • Design – Product Design (D.M. 162 del 13.03.2013)
  • Design – Interior Design (D.M. 162 del 13.03.2013)
  • Design – Textile and Fashion Design (D.M. 162 del 13.03.2013)
  • Design – Transportation Design (D.M. 162 del 13.03.2013)
  • Design – Social Innovation Design  – Innovation Design per impresa, cultura, società (D.M. 330 del 19.04.18) 
  • Graphic and Editorial Design  – Communication Design (D.M. 162 del 13.03.2013)
  • Graphic and Editorial Design – Digital Communication Design (D.M. 22 del 18.01.2018)



Design, Communication, Transportation, Innovation to prepare students for a future in creative professions. The bachelor’s programs create future professionals and transform their passions into the skills that the market needs.

The Undergraduate Courses in design in IAAD. are the best option to build a strong career as creative professionals
The Undergraduate Courses in design in IAAD. are the best option to build a strong career as creative professionals

our MASTER’s

Shape your skills. The IAAD. Master’s programs are the solution for those who want to move toward design careers. The approach is flexible and focused on learning objectives, and incorporates planning, blended learning, case studies and discussions with companies and instructors who are working professionals.

IAAD. Masters in design are project based learning paths for those who want to move toward design careers
IAAD. Masters in design are project based learning paths for those who want to move toward design careers


IAAD.’s highly specialized courses develop the specific skills required in rapidly changing fields of work. Continuous, practical professional training is a necessary tool to meet the challenges of the contemporary world.

IAAD. Professional Courses are designed for professionals who want to build a career in the design field
IAAD. Professional Courses are designed for professionals who want to build a career in the design field

Join tomorrow’s creators and innovators. Find out how to become an IAAD. student.

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