IAAD. Bologna bachelor’s, master’s and professional courses train professionals who can meet the needs of the job market from a glocal perspective. It is an ideal place for students to cultivate their passions and build their skills.
IAAD. Bologna’s bachelor’s, master’s and professional courses train professionals who can meet the needs of the job market from a glocal perspective. It is an ideal place for students to cultivate their passions and build their skills.
IAAD. Bologna
Via Jacopo Barozzi 3/m, 40126 – Bologna
Tel. +39 051 6390656
The Learned, the Fat, the Red, the Towered: this is Bologna! Known as home to the oldest university in the world, for its culinary specialties and its medieval past, it has hosted IAAD. campus since 2017 in a space where the past and future are intertwined in a synergistic way. Always considered an engine of the Italian economy, Bologna and Emilia Romagna have in recent decades established themselves as an industrial district in the mechanical and industrial automation sectors, in particular automotive and packaging, hence the appellations Packaging Valley and Motor Valley. But Bologna is also a hub for fashion, communication and big data, with an innovative approach and an eye towards the world.
Design, Communication, Transportation, Innovation to prepare students for a future in creative professions. The bachelor’s programs create future professionals and transform their passions into the skills that the market needs.
Shape your skills. The IAAD. Master’s programs are the solution for those who want to move toward design careers. The approach is flexible and focused on learning objectives, and incorporates planning, blended learning, case studies and discussions with companies and instructors who are working professionals.
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