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Scopri l'elenco dei Master in design di IAAD. Scegli i nostri percorsi formativi per specializzare le tue competenze!

4 February 2025

Discover the


in Design for

Mobility Solutions

our Masters
in Design

Learning in a project HUB is the main focus of our Masters in Design.

Design professions are constantly evolving, adapting to advances in technology and changes in society. In addition to a solid foundation in design, an innovative approach is called for. The IAAD. Master’s programmes are considered project HUBs, using experimental methodology that includes case studies and project collaborations with partner companies.
IAAD. employs diverse teaching approaches that enhance students’ different backgrounds and competencies, so that they converge and collaborate in the exploration of specific topics, acquiring research tools and developing new solutions. The IAAD. Master’s is characterized by planning, blended learning, case studies and conversations with teaching professionals, with a focus on flexibility and learning by objectives. The objective of the IAAD. Master’s is to prepare professionals to successfully enter a constantly evolving job market, which is made possible by its close relationships with over 5,000 design companies and the skills and knowledge of its faculty, who are working professionals in their fields.

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Join our community of designer and discover how to become an IAAD. student

Join tomorrow’s creators and innovators.
Find out how to become an IAAD. student.